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How an Electrical Panel Upgrade Can Lower Your Electric Bill

Many homeowners think of their electrical panel as a safeguard, and while that’s true, it also plays an integral role in efficiency. If you have outdated equipment or are experiencing faults, the system will run less efficiently than it should, and you’ll use more power. When upgrading from an old panel to a new one, the reduction in energy consumption is typically between 10% and 30%.

Ample Amp Coverage

One issue is that many older houses don’t have enough amp coverage. It’s not unusual for an older home to have an electrical panel rated for under 100 amps. The National Electrical Code requires 100 amps as a bare minimum. The power needs of the average U.S. home have grown considerably over the years. Most households need at least 150 amps, and many need 250 amps or more.

Enough Circuits and No Overloaded Circuits

Another issue is that many homes don’t have enough circuits. Not having enough outlets in a room that you use often motivates people to use power strips and overload their circuits. There can be internal overloading, too, such as having too many outlets and lights on one line. That causes inefficiency, which can worsen over time as wires and other components endure wear and tear.

Surge Protection

Surges and spikes, whether originating internally or externally, are another source of inefficiency and wear and tear. On Jan. 1, 2023, the NEC began requiring whole-house surge protection in newly built homes. Most homes built before then don’t have that protection.

Advanced Circuit Interrupters

Another area where many older homes aren’t up to code is circuit interrupters. These devices help to protect people as well as wires, electrical components, and devices. The NEC requires ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) in all rooms where water is present. The code requires arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) in many other rooms. Combination interrupters are available for rooms where you require both types of protection.

Appliance Efficiency

Modern appliances are highly efficient and getting even more efficient with each new iteration. That level of efficiency requires a consistent source of power. Inconsistent power leads to reduced efficiency, higher operating costs, increased component wear, and reduced appliance lifespan.

Energy Monitoring and Insights

When upgrading your electrical panel, you can opt for an advanced feature set. There are even smart electrical panels that connect to your home network and the internet via Wi-Fi. One of the most powerful features is the ability to monitor energy usage on a per-circuit basis. A smart panel can alert you to spikes in usage and reveal where it’s efficient and where it’s not.

If you’re thinking of upgrading to a modern electrical panel in Hesperia, CA, call JD Ensz Electric today to learn more about your options.