If you think you are paying more than you should for your company’s electricity, you are probably right. Most business owners overlook a variety of ways to save money on their electric bill every month. Here are five of the best ways to save on energy.
1. Choose Energy-Efficient Bulbs
You can save a significant amount of electricity by switching to Energy Star-certified light bulbs. In fact, if every home and business simply replaced one of their bulbs with an Energy Star-certified one, it would result in a national savings of $580 million in electrical costs each year. That is because Energy Star light bulbs use up to 90% less energy than standard ones. They last at least 15 times longer, too.
2. Use Solar Lights Outdoors
One great way to save on electricity costs is to harness the natural energy of the sun. Solar lights can provide a significant amount of outdoor lighting if you have a business that has outdoor seating or display areas.
3. Turn the Thermostat Up in the Summer and Down in the Winter
Turning your thermostat up by a degree or two in the summer and down by a degree or two in the winter can lead to significant savings. This is especially true if you have an electric HVAC system.
4. Install Smart Thermostats
Smart thermostats can allow you to use approximately 8% less electricity than you would otherwise. If your smart thermostat includes remote temperature monitoring, you could save up to 12% in the winter and 15% in the summer.
5. Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Heating System
Parts of the United States with especially cold winters are among the more expensive areas of the country when it comes to heating costs. As a result, if your business uses electric heat, your electric bill is likely to go up dramatically during the winter months. Luckily, improving the energy efficiency of your heating system with regular maintenance and duct cleaning can allow you to save, even during a chilly winter.
Reach Out to Us Today!
If you want to make improvements to your business to save on your electric bill, we offer a wide range of solutions. We can also do an energy audit to help you discover areas of your building where you are overusing electricity.
If you are a business owner in Hesperia, CA and need to find ways to save on electricity for your business, get in touch with JD Ensz Electric, Inc and let us know how we can be of service to you.